Allow me to share my excitement at having my introductory essay on Sacred Sexuality published in the online publication known as Spirit One Webzine! If you've missed my Introduction to Sacred Sexuality workshop at the festivals, then I invite you to follow the links in the email below to read this article, as this conveys the material I share in that workshop and more!
Happy Samhain!!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gordon Ireland <>
Date: Nov 1, 2006 3:04 PM
Subject: [aspiring_pagan_authors] Spirit One Webzine Volume 92
Spirit One Webzine Volume 92
Spirit One is an online magazine that explores Pagan an Earth-based
religions and spirituality. Spirit One eZine is a free ezine sent
out eight times a year providing information and articles on
Metaphysical/Pagan topics. Any statements made in this ezine reflect
no one's opinions but my own and/or the writer's of
ISSN: 1543-8074
Read Spirit One Online @ or
http://newageinfo.netWe are looking for writers please submit your work to this email
address Writers NOW Receive FREE ADVERTISING
and 15% OFF all products at email me for
more information
gireland@ameritech.netIn publication since the fall of 1999. Published 8 times per year.
Each issue approx. 20 to 30 pages.
Introduction to Sacred Sexuality By Inara de Luna
When we consider the term "sacred sexuality," many of us will
experience severe cognitive dissonance. In other words, it is
difficult to conceive of viewing sex as anything other than
negative, secretive, shameful, or perhaps even sinful. These thought
patterns are so deeply embedded in our collective cultural psyche
that we may not even be aware of all the ways we think negatively of
sex, until we're exposed to a different way of thinking.
Living a Charmed Life! by Golden Hawk
Have you ever noticed that when you get up in the morning and either
your running late or you stub your toe on something, you seem to
have a day that anything that could go wrong does? As a result of
the negativity you have experienced your mind begins to look for
like ways to give you more of what you ask.
Harvest. Tractor Time. by Erin Lewin-Steinberg
Let's look for a moment at our own `harvest' for a moment. What
have we learned this past growing season? Have we tended the ground
we learn in? Have we pulled all the weeds and made room for healthy
and thriving thoughts? Have we, each and every one of us, sought
balance in our inner selves as well as our outer beings? Have we
spent time playing with our children and grand children? Have we
managed to connect with our loved ones in some special way? Havewe
given ourselves time to reflect and see who we are now and look at
it against the backdrop of who we were three months ago? Have we
learned to live in the moment?
Where Physics and Metaphysics Merge by Jason Randhawa
Before you can understand why, how, and where physics and
metaphysics will converge, you must understand exactly what is meant
by physics and metaphysics. Metaphysics is basically the
philosophical study of being and knowing. Metaphysics is very
closely related to spirituality, but it is not religious. On the
other hand, when I talk about physics I am not really talking about
the old Newtonian physics that many of us were taught in school.
Instead, I am talking more about the leading edge sciences that are,
in my opinion, currently expanding the previous limits of science,
mainly quantum physics.
Religions of old by W.K.Glöss
I have been reading articles of how the old greek gods and goddesses
are coming back in full force and of the fact that more and more
people are abandoning the young religions for the first religions.
This is a great time to be a Pagan indeed and it is exactly what our
ancestors wrote about and believed would come. Their prediction is
now more true than ever and it is such a wonderous thing to be
witnessing. We are still hated by a very insignificant amount of
close minded christians but a lot of them understand and accept us
as a religion and not a satanic cult.
Ten of Wands By Claire x
The message of the card is that even success brings its own burdens.
Look at someone famous like Robbie Williams, for example, he's got
everything a person could wish for – talent, money, devotion, fame –
but he's not particularly happy. Even that huge success brings its
own burdens. Being famous isn't as great as it appears from the
outside, neither is being rich or beautiful. Every benefit comes
with its own problems.
Message from Gaia (poem) By Sandria Decker
I am your mother I am your earth I am all and I am nothing You are
but sand on my beaches and pebbles on my mountains
THE VALLEY OF VON-DAR [Planet Er-Da Romance Adventure]: Chapter 11
By Jeffrey Redmond and Cory Anne Stickel
A long, terrible silence filled the air, suffocating them. This was
the worst moment in El-Lena's life. Her mind was trying to take in
what Mit-Ir had said, trying to make sense of all the contradictory
messages filling her head.
Magical Item Of The Week by by Allie Theiss
Book Reviews
http:/// HUNDREDS OF
Ediotors Note: We are changing the format of Spirit One, less new
agey and more pagan. We are doing this to reflect our own interest
and those of of our customers. We (Paula and Myself) have decided
to start another ezine called the New Ager to showcase our writers
with a more alternative health, new age philosophy. This eZine will
be monthly and and the First edition will be 11/15/06.
Also THE VALLEY OF VON-DAR [Planet Er-Da Romance Adventure] will
continue in this Edtion and after the last chapter is published we
will make the entire story avialable online.
Congratulations ladyfelana ( you are the
winner of Earth Spirit Emporium's annual drawing ladyfelana you won
the book BREAKTHROUGH ASTROLOGY BY Joyce Levine. ladyfelana Please
email to verify your address and we will
send out your prize. Once more Congratulations. To Join this contest
go here
Paula and Gordon Ireland
Earth Spirit Emporium Inc
PO Box 181088
Utica MI 48318 USA
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